Sustainable public procurement
Promote sustainable market structures and integrate the Green Button into your procurement.
Sustainable public procurement
With its procurement volume, the public sector has the opportunity to significantly increase demand for sustainable products by taking social and ecological criteria into account when awarding contracts. Since the reform of German procurement law in 2016, flexible design options for taking sustainability into account have become available.
The Green Button supports procuring entities in integrating the sustainability criteria of the state seal into the procurement process in various ways. Integration options are available in particular as part of the award criteria or as contract performance conditions.
Making good use of market power
The German government has also set itself the goal of extensively strengthening sustainable public procurement and acting as a role model in this regard.
At the beginning of 2021, the "Guidelines for Sustainable Textile Procurement by the Federal Administration" were published by the federal government. With the guideline, the federal government is making a clear commitment to protecting people and the environment in supply chains. The aim is to achieve an improvement in social and environmental standards along the supply chain in the respective production countries through the procurement of sustainable textiles.
As a procurement manager, you can help make an important contribution to more sustainable consumption and production patterns worldwide, and the Green Button will support you in doing so.
Take advantage of our consulting offer

Our offer for Procurement agencies
We are happy to advise and support you on your way to sustainable procurement for more social and environmental responsibility in global textile supply chains!
If you are interested, please contact the office directly:
Integration of sustainability criteria
We support you individually with technical questions on the integration of sustainability criteria in award procedures!
Sample forms
We provide you with sample forms that have been tested under public procurement law.
Quick guide
We support you with a brief guide, which was created under advice from public procurement law. This serves as a decision-making aid for the concrete integration of the Green Button criteria in your award documents.
Further helpful documents for your procurement process
The guideline for sustainable public textile procurement by the federal administration was published at the beginning of 2021 and updated in March 2023. With the guide, the federal government is making a clear commitment to protecting people and the environment in supply chains.
Zum Leitfaden (only available in German)
Here you will find a quick guide for public purchasers on how to use the product-related Green Button Standards 1.0 in procurement procedures (PDF) and two sample forms (Word):
- Sample form: Award Criteria: Compliance with social criteria and environmental criteria
- Sample form: Conditions of performance and self-declarations on compliance with social criteria and environmental criteria.
Zum Download (only available in German)
Information on the advisory services offered by the Green Button Office. Strengthening sustainable public procurement together!
Zum Download (only available in German)
This product list for sustainable textile procurement helps you as a public or private client to find companies with Green Button certified textiles. Simply click in the table of contents on the textile you require and you will be taken to the overview of the companies offering it.
Zum Download (only available in German)
Published by GIZ GmbH, in cooperation with Femnet and Südwind.
Zum Download (only available in German)