You would like to find out more about the government-run certification label Green Button? General information material can be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
You will find here answers to the most frequently asked questions about the government-run certification label.
For Companies
Your company is interested in the Green Button or is already licensed? Here you will find documents for companies.
Green Button Leaflet for Companies
Green Button Leaflet for Companies
Get involved! Many companies are already demonstrating that sustainable fashion is possible. You can find a brief description of the most important information about the Green Button for companies here.
The Green Button at a glance
The Green Button at a glance
Here you will find a brief summary of the most important information for companies on the Green Button 2.0.
Green Button 2.0 and how to obtain it
Green Button 2.0 and how to obtain it
You would like to have your products certified with the Green Button? You can find all important information about the Green Button and the path to certification here.
Guide: Due diligence processes
Guide: Due diligence processes
The Green Button Guide is the central support document for preparation for the Green Button Audit. The document provides detailed explanations on the implementation of a companies due diligence processes in the Green Button, recommendations and (company) examples on the five audit-relevant core elements and their subordinate indicators, as well as implementation support.
Only available in German language
Logo Manual
Logo Manual
For the use of the Green Button Logo you will find all relevant information in the current Logo Manual.
Sustainable Public Procurement
Sustainable Public Procurement
Here you can find the documents on sustainable public procurement. The documents are only available in German.
Certification Process - an Overview
Certification Process - an Overview
Please find information on the certification process here.
Comparison of the requirements of the Supply Chain Act with those of the Green Button 2.0
Comparison of the requirements of the Supply Chain Act with those of the Green Button 2.0
The comparison of the BAFA questionnaire on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act with the Green Button 2.0 indicators provides companies with guidance on overlaps and deviations between the requirements. The document is only available in German.
Standard and certification processes
Are you looking for the standard documents? All relevant documents for the Green Button Standard can be found here.
Green Button Standard
Green Button Standard
All documents on the Green Button Standard can be found via this link. An overview of the individual documents can be viewed here:
- Green Button Standard: Requirements for corporate due diligence processes and conditions for product claims
- Green Button Standard: Process and requirements for the recognition of certification labels (Meta-Label Approach)
- Green Button Standard: List of approved fibres and materials including guidance and recognised labels
- Green Button certification programme 4.1
- Regulations governing use of the certification mark
Green Button Product Categories
Green Button Product Categories
Which textiles or products made of textile material are eligible for certification with the Green Button label? Here you will find an overview of certifiable goods from the areas of clothing textiles, household and home textiles, technical textiles and textile shoes and accessories.
Recognised certification labels
Recognised certification labels
The compliance with the requirements of the Green Button can be demonstrated via credible certification labels. An overview of which labels the Green Button 2.0 and 1.0 recognises can be found here.
Infosheet Benchmarking
Infosheet Benchmarking
Here you will find a brief overview of the most important information about the requirements for the recognition of certification labels in the Green Button 2.0.
Guide: Due Diligence processes
Guide: Due Diligence processes
The Green Button Guide is the central support document for preparation for the Green Button Audit. The document provides detailed explanations on the implementation of a companies due diligence processes in the Green Button, recommendations and (company) examples on the five audit-relevant core elements and their subordinate indicators, as well as implementation support.
Only available in German language
List of approved fibers incl. explanations
List of approved fibers incl. explanations
Here you find the list of approved fibres and materials incl. explanations and recognised certification labels (as of December 2024)
Further Development & Advisory Board Documents
Further Development & Advisory Board Documents
The further development of the standard is an important part of the government's Green Button seal. The advisory board consulted the seal provider, the Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), on this. Documents from this process can be downloaded here. Only available in German.
Standard Setting Procedure
Standard Setting Procedure
The process for the revision of the Green Button Standard and the Green Button Certification Programme in its version 1.0 prescribes which rules and processes apply to the revision of the Green Button Certification Programme in the future. You can download the document here. Only available in German.
The documents in the archive provide transparency with regard to our standard versions and their developments. The latest changes can be tracked using the yellow markings.
Green Button Standard 2.0.1 Requirements for corporate due diligence processes and conditions for product claims with markups
Green Button Standard 2.0.1 Process and requirements for the recognition of labels (meta-label approach) with markups
Green Button_certification programme with markups 4.1
Green Button Standard 1.0
Education and sustainable consumption
You would like to draw attention to problems in textile supply chains, show options for action or inform yourself about them? You can find materials in the field of education and on the topic of sustainable consumption here.
Green Button Quiz Poster
Green Button Quiz Poster
It's quiz time! Students can test their knowledge and find out how sustainable their shopping behaviour is by answering engaging questions. The printed version is available in A1 size, folded to A4. It can be ordered free of charge from Only available in German.
The Sustainable Wardrobe
The Sustainable Wardrobe
In this flyer, we have put together a few tips for an overall responsible approach to textiles. Only available in German.
Children's booklet "Where do our clothes come from?"
Children's booklet "Where do our clothes come from?"
The booklet is aimed at kindergarten and primary school children: guaranteed fun reading and hands-on activities.
Click here to go to the booklet. The print version of the children's booklet can also be ordered from the Media Library of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Only available in German.
Children's booklet "A T-shirt on a journey"
Children's booklet "A T-shirt on a journey"
An interactive booklet for primary school children that explains the textile supply chain in a playful way. Only available in German.
Quiz: Siegelklarheit Labyrinth
Quiz: Siegelklarheit Labyrinth
In this exciting quiz, you will learn more about sustainable consumption, certification labels, production and challenges along the entire supply chain.
The game is available as online version as well as for print out - suitable for school lessons. It is only available in German.
Find the quiz here.
Here you can find key visuals as well as further image material.