News & Events

The Green Button Standard slightly adapted: The Green Button 2.0.1


The Green Button Standard 2.0 was published in June 2022. It has been successfully in use ever since. To date, 61 companies have already been audited in accordance with the ambitious standard version and are therefore licensed with the Green Button 2.0.  

In the process of implementing the Green Button 2.0, there has been feedback from relevant Green Button stakeholders, to which the Green Button responds now with a slightly adapted version of the standard. Reasons for these adaptations are for example the extended transition period for the fibre requirements, the accreditation qualification of the Green Button Programme by the German Accreditation Body and the OECD Alignment Assessment of the Green Button. The central normative documents are now being adapted based on the feedback we received out of these processes. 

An overview of the changes


The new requirements are published today, come into force on December 1st 2024 and are binding from then on. Licence holders, certification bodies and other stakeholders must comply with and implement the changes to the standard document. There is no need for a special evaluation; instead, the assessment will take place during the next regular evaluation. 

The specific changes are listed in the following documents: There is one document version in which the parts that have changed compared to the Green Button 2.0 are highlighted in yellow in the text, as well as a cleared document version. Each document also contains an overview of the changes made in the version table. As the publication of the English documents will only follow shortly, the links provided below will lead you to the German documents: 

If you are a licensed or interested company and have any questions about the slight adaptations, please feel free to attend our open Q&A sessions

  • for licence holders: every Wednesday between 09:00 and 10:00 a.m. 
  • for interested companies: every second Thursday between 09:30 and 10:30 a.m. 

When it comes to the certification bodies, the adaptions in the central documents have already been and will still be discussed in the regular calibration meetings.